It was the early days of 1990's. The desire to form this forum was strong in the minds of the founders. A cluster of People Behind have foreseen the need to protect the interests of the Indian American community and that of their native nation. They saw a need to promote a core group to educate and enlighten the policy makers of the United States. Few individuals saw the need to form an Institution to create awareness to promote a cordial dialogue between the two largest democracies of the world.They saw the need to form a body for their support. A body to fund the congressional representatives and senators who understand politicians education eventsing for Indian interests. Their ideas took the shape of Indian American Friendship Council in January 1990.
The first governing body was formed with Dr Krishna Reddy as the founder-president of the council. A gala of events and landmarks marked the history of the council. The council has been promoting various social events s, seminars, conferences, Dialogue and other such events quite frequently around the country to discuss various issues concerning the Indian Americans. The council has been making use of every forum to interact with congressional representatives, senators and members Indian caucus such as Frank Pallone Junior and Ed Royce, apart from arranging Dialogue for them.