Volunteerism, which range over the whole planet on missions that take no account of borders, religions, helps us to foster peaceful co-existence throughout the world. Volunteerism demonstrates our interdependence, and the importance of practicing "good neighborliness." Excerpts from speech of Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations on the occasion of International Volunteer Day, December 5, 1999. Now take that next step towards making a marked difference. Let's make a difference together. The Indian American communities should understand that they are a part of those wretched communities of Gujarat, Orissa and Kashmir and the onus of responsibilities lies with them too. Be part of Indian American friendship council. Together we work for the reconstruction of the under privileged of our mother nation.In our journey towards a better India, we can take all the help you can give and in all the forms time, money, effort, ideas to name a few but the list is endless. No matter what your talent or timeline, you can get a little closer to the goal, on your own. Let the journey begin. Even a small contribution by you goes a long way in bringing hopes to millions of underprivileged people in India.Credit Card Donations You can make online donation/contributions using your credit card. Your contributions will go all the way to help the under privileged people in India society. We thank you for your interest and contribution, with your support we shall continue making the difference on the American soil. Grants from Linguistic and Cultural Associations: You can request your association to contribute generously for the cause of the nation.In addition, some cultural groups also donate part of their proceeds from programs and events that they organize. Every individual can help us by spreading the word of IAMFC volunteerism amongst friends and neighbors in India and USA.